June – The Big Over Easy

We were back on Zoom for our meeting this month and the joy of that is that is that for the first time ever my sister-in-law was able to join us from 100+ miles away. Another fun night, thanks ladies.

The Big Over Easy – Jasper FForde


Having read The Eyre Affair years ago, I was really looking forward to Fforde’s ‘comedy’ take on a murder mystery. All of the reviews that I read had described this book as funny, hilarious or ‘a riot of fun’, really? Either I was reading a different book or I have a very different view of funny to all of those reviewers because it didn’t even raise a smile from me. The puns/nursery rhyme references are constant and honestly, it gets a little tiring. Randomly, in amongst nursery rhyme characters and stories we have some unrelated/made up characters (Jellyman) and a bit of Greek mythology, which doesn’t fit at all. It’s almost as though Fforde had a great idea but did not know how to execute it and ran out of ideas somewhere in the middle of writing it.

There is a quote on the book that (from memory) says that ignoring the nursery rhyme elements this book works beautifully as a murder mystery. I am at a loss, the plot is weak, the twists are numerous, but mainly just distraction and I honestly couldn’t care less who killed Humpty (an odd statement to have to make) because I just didn’t buy into the story at all. Having read the first 100 pages I really wanted to throw the book in the bin, but as a book club choice it got a reprieve and I pushed through. By halfway through the book I resented it, I wanted to read something else and this drivel was taking up all of my reading time, but I kept going. It did not get any better, half of the characters were not developed, the plot was all over the place and worst of all this incredibly ‘funny’ book just wasn’t funny (or even clever).

I rated the book 1.5* and I feel that was generous, however the rest of the group scored it between 3*- 4* so it does have appeal, just not for me thanks. It has also put me off reading any more of Fforde’s books, if I want a murder mystery I’ll pick up an Agatha Christie!

.Heartburn – Nora Ephron


Nora Ephron is a name that I knew primarily from film, this lady wrote and directed some of my favourites, including You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle and Silkwood, so I was expecting good things from this book. It started well, with an introduction written by Ephron which shows her sense of humour beautifully. I read the introduction and immediately thought ‘I LIKE this woman’, she is smart, sassy and has a wonderful way with words.

The book is based on her own life, her relationships and heartbreaks and this gave her the ability to add some wonderful observational humour which is very relatable, even if you have never been through the same issues. She portrays the lead character (herself) as a strong independent woman, but not fiercely so. The book is fabulous, it’s got a lot of heart and manages to draw you in and hold your attention well. Characters are well developed and although this is not a huge book, it is written so well that it covers everything that you need it to cover and more. I gave the book 4.5* because it didn’t rock my world, but it is a lovely little book. The rest of the group scored it between 3.5* and 4.5* so it is definitely worth a read.

Happy reading!

Mel x

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